Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome To My Blog!

     Hello!  My name is Darice and I am a new small business owner.  I am single and have been unemployed for two years.  I have had very little luck searching for employment in my hometown in Michigan.  So, I decided to try to become an entrepreneur. I started making ponytail holders for myself 5 years ago.  I, like a lot of others, started buying ribbon ponytail holders for myself when they first started arriving in stores years ago.  I loved them although I was always disappointed that they didn't last for long and they never had a wide array of colors for me to choose from for all of my outfits.  The ribbon tended to fray too soon.  So, I decided to make my own ponytail holders tailored and designed for my needs.  I also discovered after years of practice how to keep my ribbon from fraying which helps the ponytail holder last longer.  I can make any kind of ponytail holder for you.  If you like animals, I can make them using your favorite animal print.  If you have a birthday party coming up, I can use ribbon to match the theme of the birthday party. If you have Team Spirit, I can make a ponytail holder using your favorite school or team's colors. I can make ponytail holders for any occasion anything you want.  I enjoy doing this and I have had many satisfied customers which really makes this worth it.  I have always wanted to have a job that I love and enjoy waking up to do.  I think this might be it!  My motto is Never Give Up and Follow Your Instincts.  It might just pay off in the end.
Much Love And Peace To You All,

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